Gary Community School Corporation is a public school district in Gary, Indiana, about 25 miles southeast of Chicago. The district has faced many challenges, including worn-out facilities, financial struggles, and declining enrollment. With new leadership, and an influx of COVID relief funds, the district has made incredible strides. They’ve achieved a balanced budget, improved academic services, and now have stable enrollment. One of their major efforts was to replace the furniture in all of their aging buildings. The district chose to partner with VS America to bring new life to their learning spaces.
Thriving Against All Odds: ESSER Funds Help Gary Community Schools Transform Education
Project Overview

Q&A with Toni Mitchell
ESSER Project Manager for Gary Community Schools
How were you able to use ESSER funds towards furniture?
“We used ESSER funds to purchase furniture to improve our facilities and address learning loss by increasing student engagement.”
How did VS help you throughout the process?
“VS helped by providing detailed documentation in their proposal about how furniture can positively affect learning.”
Why did you choose VS America for your furniture?
“VS brought in samples and presented the products. We conducted a survey and VS stood out to the reviewers for being able to support different types of instruction. We are very happy with our decision to purchase VS furniture. It has very positively impacted learning. The new furniture allows students to easily form different groups and collaborate effectively. VS was able to meet our timing needs perfectly to limit disruption in the schools.”
Any tips you would offer to other schools who want to use ESSER funds towards furniture?
“Know what you’re purchasing – do your due diligence. Think about how it can impact student learning.”

Solutions for Success
Addressing Student Learning Loss
Student-centered learning environments shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student, developing autonomous and independent students. These spaces give teachers more opportunities to address learning loss, while supporting increased participatory relationships and fostering social belonging.
Supporting Mental Health
Students are constantly switching between being tense and relaxed throughout the day. To thrive in these opposing states, they need appropriate spaces in equal measure. In addition to areas that foster movement, classrooms need nooks and corners students can seek out when they need quiet time.
Addressing the Needs of Disadvantaged Populations
Agile spaces provide an equity of opportunity, so every single student has an opportunity to sit, stand, or learn in any way they need to. They also foster security in safely giving your opinion, solving problems, and working through conflict, while offering both personal and private spaces to promote reflective behaviors.
“Our own comfort and movement as adults is critically important. Why wouldn’t that be the same for children? We have invested in agile furniture throughout our entire district. We’ve already seen the benefit of kids being able to sit in chairs that they’re comfortable in and given permission to ‘wiggle.’”
-RJ Webber, EdD, Superintendent
VS America & OMNIA Partners
VS America, Inc. offers adaptable, ergonomic, and environmentally-friendly educational furniture solutions on a cooperative contract through OMNIA Partners, Public Sector.
Want to learn more? Get in touch with VS America today!