Powering Institutions with Spend Visibility & Insights with Amazon Business

Sep 25, 2019   |   Amazon Business

On-Demand Webinar Presentation with Amazon Business featuring NC State University

OMNIA Partners partners with Amazon Business to share the benefits of using this competitively-solicited contract to achieve spend visibility and insights to drive strategic procurement.

Through OMNIA Partners, Amazon Business provides higher education institutions an effective way to manage spend, track and drive savings and efficiencies, and provide purchasing visibility throughout their institution. Watch this on-demand webinar and you'll hear from Sharon Loosman, Director of Procurement and Business Services, who will share how they leverage Amazon Business' capabilities to benefit their departments' mission and how you can as well. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to better understand how your institution can:  

  • Drive efficiencies through approval processes and workflows while gaining important insights
  • Strengthen connections between local/small vendors and your institution
  • Leverage newer Amazon Business capabilities such as single sign-on to enhance your user experience
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