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Agile MindMathematics & Science Programs

Agile Mind provides comprehensive mathematics and science programs for middle and high schools. They dramatically improve student achievement by fostering classrooms that embrace engagement, collaboration and perseverance.

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Agile Mind's mission—and our promise to educators—is to provide the tools and support you need to improve student performance while supporting exemplary, sustainable teaching practices. These tools are available through a cooperative contract with OMNIA Partners. 

About Agile Mind

Our mathematics and academic youth development programs are created in collaboration with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin. Working with leading educators throughout the country, we have developed mathematics programs for middle school, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics. These programs build on the Dana Center’s trusted work with more than 100,000 teachers over the past decade and on the core belief that all students can succeed in mathematics if given the opportunity.

Blended Learning Approach

Our programs appear in a “blended” format, meaning that some essential materials are provided online and others in print. The online curriculum can be shared with an entire class by being projected. In this model, all that is needed is a computer, access to the Internet, and a projection device. In settings with access to shared computers or tablets, students can work online at the direction of their teacher. This format fully supports distance learning needs as well as differentiated instruction.

In addition to the online materials, print resources are also available:

  • Student Activity Sheets are used by students in the classroom daily and for nightly homework. The sheets can be downloaded as pdfs from the online system or purchased as consumable workbooks.
  • Teachers receive a printed Advice for Instruction book with guidance for teaching each day with Agile Mind. The Advice for Instruction resources are also available online.
  • Online access from anywhere in the world

To learn more about Agile Mind, click here.

Our Programs

This page provides an introduction to Agile Mind's programs for middle and high school, grades 6-12:

Core Mathematics – Middle and High school mathematics is a core curriculum that supports grades 6-12, including advanced mathematics and statistics.

Intervention & Learning Supports –  Intensified Algebra I program brings struggling students up to grade level within one academic year.

Supplemental – Agile Accelerator provides supplemental instructional and assessment resources for math and science that support a variety of learners across multiple grade levels.

Social & Emotional Learning – AYD connects students’ social and emotional learning (SEL) to challenges in school.


The resources below provide a brief overview of the approach to teaching and learning and examples of classroom lessons.

Contact Information

Laurie Mayhan
Sales Operations Manager

Supplier Website