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Ardham TechnologiesIT Products, Services & Related Solutions

Ardham is an outstanding group of Information Technology professionals dedicated to the community, one another, and our clients. At Ardham Technologies, each member of the team is dedicated to providing you with extraordinary solutions to your real IT problems. Whether it’s user experience, business impact, or underlying IT infrastructure; our promise and commitment is to not only meet expectations, but to exceed them – every time.

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    K-12 Education
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    State & Local Government

From software applications, network infrastructure, remote desktop support, and hyperconverged server and storage solutions to complete cybersecurity solutions, the Ardham team brings years of expertise that you can depend on. The Ardham team is excited to have been awarded another contract and continue collaboration with OMNIA Partners to provide members with excellent solutions, experience, a long-lasting partnership, a variety of products, and above all- excellent results.

About Ardham Technologies

The history of Ardham Technologies, Inc. begins with its founder, Brian Swainston, providing IT support to local businesses and schools in New Mexico and Arizona in 2003. The word “ardham” is Sanskrit for “meaning” or “meaningful”, and this illustrates Ardham’s purpose of bringing meaningful value to all employees, clients, and partners. The name “Ardham” has a personal meaning to Brian; it was the name of his childhood home in Australia. Brian’s outstanding personal values have been instrumental in developing the Ardham team into the caring group of skilled people that it is today.

Through dedication to client satisfaction, an expert skill set, and long hours, the organization grew significantly. In 2005, Ardham was incorporated in the State of New Mexico. Since then, Ardham has maintained a focus on providing technical turn-key solutions to government organizations, school districts, charter schools, higher education, and other local entities. Ardham focuses on meaningful lasting solutions. This focus fosters healthier relationships where everyone involved experiences the successes together.

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