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AssetWorks/FacilityForceA best-in-class Facilities Management System for educational and government

AssetWorks Facilities (GoAssetWorks) and FacilityForce are enterprise-level solution providers focused on facilities management software for education and government respectively. Our suite of solutions, often referred to as an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS), are designed to be flexible, scalable and encompass everything needed from an enterprise-class CMMS, CAFM and EAM, including operations and maintenance, space management, energy management, preventative maintenance, capital planning, construction project management and more. Through this integration we empower our customers to better streamline their facilities management processes and prioritize the outcomes required by their organizations. Join many of the world's preeminent campuses and leading government entities that leverage AssetWorks/FacilityForce solutions to optimize facilities management. We are proud to work with OMNIA Partners to facilitate a world class purchasing process, one that maximizes savings while reducing procurement time.

  • Icon for K-12 Eductaion
    K-12 Education
  • Higher Education Icon
    Higher Education
  • Government icon
    State & Local Government

Assetworks is a software provider focused on solutions for Facilities Management and Real Estate in education and government available on a competitively solicited, publicly awarded cooperative contract through OMNIA Partners. 

Why AssetWorks

Our all-in-one facilities management solutions are tailor-made for universities, colleges, and K-12 institutions by our team of industry professionals averaging over 15 years of experience in education and facilities management.

  • Purpose built for Education. A Facilities Management Solution specifically built for education by tenured industry professionals.
  • 360-degree relationship with your customers. Connect directly with your customers from initial request to work-order completion through a user-friendly self-serve portal.
  • Scalable & Configurable Solutions. Start with what you need and scale as you grow to include Space Management, Capital Project, Real Estate Management and more!
  • Better and More Integrated Data. Manage all your facility data in one secure place with out of the box integrations to increase data accessibility and collaboration.
  • Class leading mobile solutions. Enhance your field ops agility and productivity with information on the go using leading mobile apps
  • Manage Billable Work Efficiently. Maintain a high level of control and accountability for facilities-funded work.


Meet your facility and asset management needs from start to finish

Our family of solutions is designed to seamlessly meet your facility and asset management needs from start to finish. ReADY, AiM, and GO work together to provide you with a full-picture view of your campus.

ReADY Request - Connect with your community to provide the highest level of service.

Improve communication across your entire campus community and speed up request to resolution. With ReADY Request, a user-friendly, integrated facility service request solution, you can connect the requestor, your facilities department, and the technicians in the field in real time for each service request. Keep everyone in the loop as work is planned, scheduled, and executed.

AiM - Empower your campus with an enterprise-class facility management solution

AiM is the pillar of our operations and maintenance solution, also commonly referred to as an IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management Solution) for enterprise-level organizations. Packaged within AiM is AiM IQ - a robust in-app reporting and REST APIs that make your data easily accessible. Make better business decisions with flexible reporting & business intelligence.

Go Enhance your field ops agility & productivity

Go is a suite of persona and function-based mobile apps designed to empower your personnel in the field. These powerful apps bring focus to specific, prioritized assignments without all the other noise that comes from your tool stack.

Why FacilityForce

FacilityForce was spun out of AssetWorks and provides a very similar solution set that is optimized for use in government organizations, but branded differently (Engage=ReADY, Operate=AiM, and Perform=Go).

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