Binova is innovating the solid waste industry through managing waste in a safer, cleaner and more attractive way.
In-Ground Waste Containers
Binova's EnviroBIN in-ground waste container are a unique but proven way to handle garbage compared to traditional dumpsters. The EnviroBIN eliminates odor, is easier to load, is more secure, safer for users and environmentally friendly. If you have to think about or smell garbage you have the wrong container.
The InFORCE large series compactor line is equivalent to a regular dumpster but has the capacity to compact 5-6 times more garbage. Despite its increased efficiency, it remains compatible with standard dumpster trucks for emptying unlike larger compactors.
InFORCE’s small footprint compactors are designed for both indoor and outdoor use as alternatives to regular garbage cans. What differentiates them is their customizable labeling options, such as wraps, and the capability to provide connectivity alerts for timely emptying.
Dumpster Locks
An automatic bar lock is the premier way to secure your traditional dumpster lids to keep out unwanted guests whether human or animal as well as unwanted garbage being “donated” to you to haul away at your expense.
Binova’s CANLOK line is a series of auto and manual locks to secure smaller waste containers such as toters or wheelie bins. This eliminates having to pick up garbage after a tip-over event by your local raccoon or bear population.
Odor Control
The ZerODOR dispenser is a great way to reduce the odor and smell in a traditional dumpster. This units mounts on the back of a dumpster and dispenser odor control granules each time the truck empties the container. It will store enough granules to dispense over 12-15 times which in most cases is about 3 months.