Grapic Swoosh

Carrum HealthHealthcare Provider Negotiator

Carrum Health is a value-based Centers of Excellence platform that negotiates directly with top healthcare providers to offer upfront bundled payments to employers. Our unique approach ensures patients receive more appropriate care that is better, less expensive, and easier for everyone.

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Surgical care and cancer treatment are overprescrived and overcharged, accounting for up to half of a company's healthcare spend. We are a mission to transform how surgery and cancer care are paid for and delivered to lower costs, improve outcomes, and ensure a superior experience for all. 

About Carrum Health

Carrum Health believes the current healthcare system incentivizes profits over people, and patients deserve a better experience. We help patients and providers by using technology to simplify the confusion and inefficiencies that overwhelm the healthcare system. Though healthcare spend is rising, Carrum Health provides value-based bundles to enable better care and lower costs to OMNIA Partners participants.

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