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ClimatecMaking Buildings Safer, Smarter, Efficient and Comfortable

Available through OMNIA Partners, Climatec has steadily invested in the people, technology, and services to be their customers’ trusted business partner for building solutions. They are one of the leading providers of building technologies and energy solutions in the nation – delivering results for thousands of customers, every day. There strategic business partners include the world’s leading suppliers of building automation, security, life safety, and energy efficiency technologies.

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    State & Local Government

From our beginnings in HVAC solutions, we have invested in the people, technology, and services to be our customers’ trusted business partner for building solutions and are proud to offer our services to OMNIA Partners public agencies today.

About Climatec

Today, Climatec is one of the leading providers of building technologies and energy solutions in the nation, delivering results for customers each day.

Contact Information

William Mote