International commerce is a complex process, but it offers endless opportunities. DHL provides specialized services, expert guidance and other resources to help customers grow in new and emerging markets all over the world.
DHL keeps businesses connected to the world with secure, reliable, cost-effective international express shipping, available to OMNIA Partners members.
Members receive international shipping discounts with DHL Express, the world’s leading provider of international express shipping services.
With DHL Express you’ll receive discounted rates that include door-to-door transport of documents and packages to more than 220 countries and territories. Plus, you’ll have access to time-saving online shipping resources such as electronic Customs documentation and 24/7 tracking, along with our Money-Back Guarantee on time-definite delivery services. Best of all, you’ll enjoy renowned international expertise from the Certified International Specialists of DHL Express.
International Shipping Requires the International Specialists at DHL
Top 5 Delivered by DHL: Going Global
DHL Express Goes Undercover with Panamanian Entrepreneur
Key Express Shipping Advantages Identified by Our Customers:
Our customers appreciate the supplementary value-added advantages besides the ability to fulfill the basic transportation requirements. The global shortage of Freight Forwarding capacity and corresponding volatile prices are key drivers for our customers to shift volume to Express transportation modes.

Why Choose Express Shipping
Find out why our customers are coming to and staying with DHL Express:

Shipping Made Easy
With MyDHL+, we've made the shipping process easy. Our incredibly user-friendly online tool enables you to import, export, schedule pickups, track shipments, pay bills and more – all in one place, in a single visit, with fewer steps and zero headaches. It’s just another reason we’re known as the International Specialists.
On Demand Delivery
DHL On Demand Delivery (ODD) is a customizable service that helps you easily satisfy the delivery needs of your consignees and customers. ODD offers flexibility and real control over where, when and how DHL delivers a shipment. Ideal for anyone who regularly ships to residential addresses, ODD gives shipment recipients exactly what they want – the ability to choose from multiple delivery options to suit their busy schedules. They will also receive proactive updates, including an alert when their shipment goes out for delivery.