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Dixon Resources UnlimitedParking Management & Operations

Based upon industry awareness and familiarity with parking technology and current developments, Dixon Resources Unlimited has been sought for feedback and direction from parking programs both nationally and globally. Their familiarity with parking processes, policy, and overall technology and service solutions provides a direct benefit to our customers. They have been responsible for establishing policies, defining objectives, and delivering on initiatives for agencies of all sizes.

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    State & Local Government

Dixon Resources Unlimited has a direct goal of supporting municipal parking and transportation programs. They are the best in class parking and transportation solutions across a broad specturm of services. 

Dixon Resources Unlimited Overview

DIXON has directly supported municipalities throughout the United States – developing extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the solicitation, development, deployment, operation, and ongoing maintenance of solutions ranging from municipal parking programs to automated traffic enforcement systems.

We have been responsible for establishing policies, defining objectives and delivering on initiatives for municipalities of all sizes, working at all levels within the administration, operation, enforcement and adjudication processes.

Contact Information

Julie Dixon
(213) 716-6933

Supplier Website