Grapic Swoosh

DormlifeSleep Products

Dormlife is a nationwide supplier of mattresses for colleges and universities that offer residential hall mattresses. Count on Dormlife for competitive pricing, national distribution, custom specifications, quality and more.

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    K-12 Education
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    State & Local Government

Dormlife mattresses and related sleep products are available through the cooperative contract with OMNIA Partners.

SB (Small Business) State of California | Certified #2000798

WBE (Woman Business Enterprise) California Public Utilities Commission | Certified #15050095 

Dormlife & OMNIA Partners

Sleep Products


Dormlife, a leader in the mattress industry, serves colleges and universities nationwide. Recognized as a dependable source of mattresses, Dormlife offers both foam and innerspring mattresses in all sizes and varying specifications.

Mattress Encasements

Dormlife provides mattress, boxspring, and pillow encasements custom-fit to university mattresses. Our encasements prolong the life of the mattress and ensure protection from bedbugs, allergens, and stains. All encasements are machine-washable.

Dormlife Mattress

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