Empire Today® For Business manages the timing, budget, and overall scope of your entire flooring project from start to finish so you don’t have to. We install more than 100,000 flooring projects annually of all sizes nationwide. That means you have a large company with a national footprint working for you. Rely on Empire Today® For Business and OMNIA Partners to save you time and money on all your flooring projects!
Say goodbye to time-consuming flooring project management.
It doesn't matter if you manage one building or hundreds, time is money. Based on our size, history, and direct relationships with the largest flooring manufacturers in the U.S., we’re able to leverage collective buying power and help you save time and money, regardless of the size of your flooring needs.
Nationwide Installation Capabilities
Installation is one of Empire Today® For Business' core competencies. We only onboard installers with significant experience, and our installer rating system ensures we have the “best of the best” – quality, speed, and customer satisfaction.

Virtual Management Tools
Organize, track, and schedule flooring replacements from a single dashboard
Everything is right where you need it - all of your flooring orders, budgets, room diagrams, measurements, product sections, locations, invoices, and pricing in one place. It’s straightforward and simple. Centralize your flooring project information so that you and your team know right where to go for everything. Meet deadlines and deliver units on time.