Grapic Swoosh

FieldTurf USA, Inc.Sport Surfaces, Installation & Related Materials

FieldTurf is a company that revolutionized the sports industry by inventing and perfecting long-pile, infilled artificial turf. Developed and engineered by athletes, FieldTurf changed the perception of "artificial turf" by creating a solution that replicated natural grass, which was previously considered the best option despite requiring constant maintenance and being unable to withstand heavy use. The company's inventors worked with athletes, former players, coaches, trainers, and doctors to develop an artificial turf system that combined the performance properties of natural grass with the benefits of a synthetic solution. After years of trials, tests, samples, equipment innovations, and advanced formulas, FieldTurf created a solution equal to or better than the best natural grass.

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Together, FieldTurf & OMNIA Partners simplify the purchase of sport surfaces, installation, and materials for public agencies, while guaranteeing the best value, saving you time, resources, and money.

FieldTurf and OMNIA Partners

Products Built to Last with FieldTurf and OMNIA Partners

Before FieldTurf, natural grass was considered by many to be the best solution for sports fields around the world – even though it required constant maintenance and could not withstand heavy use. FieldTurf’s inventors were not trying to create a better artificial solution, they were trying to replicate natural grass.

FieldTurf Revolution is a high end monofilament product with FIFA-approved certifications. It is highly resilient and is the longest lasting, most durable monofilament fiber on the market. It also contains the heaviest, patented infill system, providing the best in safety and shock absorption for players.

FieldTurf Classic HD is a high end slit film product and a pioneer turf system in the industry. It provides the highest level of durability with uniquely designed fibers that resist wear and encapsulate infill for a longer lasting field. It also contains the heaviest, patented infill system, providing better safety and shock absorption for players.

FieldTurf XM6 a reliable, valuable monofilament turf system for clients whose priority is ball roll playability and grass-like aesthetics. It contains a thick layer of infill to provide players with the traction and shock absorption they need to perform.

FieldTurf XT a valuable slit-film turf system for clients whose priority is having a multisport field which will be heavily used. It contains a thick layer of infill to provide players with the traction and shock absorption they need to perform.

Contact Information

Sarah Morehead
Director of Operations - SmartBuy
503-692-4757 ext. 230