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GLHNOn-Call Architect Services

Established in Tucson in 1963, GLHN Architects & Engineers, Inc. is a multi-disciplinary firm providing integrated design services in architecture, mechanical, electrical and civil engineering. Founded on the principle that “Our Success Comes from Helping Others Succeed,” we work with our clients on a range of projects including renovations, new buildings, studies, and commissioning. GLHN’s unique combination of architecture and engineering provides greater collaboration between disciplines and fuels innovation. GLHN is 100% employee owned and our clients benefit from the increased commitment of staff to “own” their work and contribute to project success.  

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GLHN offers architect and engineering services and solutions to participants of OMNIA Partners on a competitively solicited, publicly awarded cooperative contract. View contract documentation or get in contact with us below.

GLHN Cobranded Collateral

GLHN Contract Documentation

U.S. Communities, National IPA, & NCPA are wholly-owned subsidiaries of OMNIA Partners, dba OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. All public sector participants already registered with National IPA, U.S. Communities, or NCPA continue to have access to all contracts, with certain exceptions, in the portfolio and do not need to re-register to use a legacy National IPA, legacy U.S. Communities, legacy NCPA, or new OMNIA Partners contract. U.S. Communities, National IPA, and NCPA remain separate legal entities and lead agency contracts completed under each brand are effective and available for use through the contract’s approved term. In the event we believe re-registration is necessary for any reason, OMNIA Partners will let you know.

On-Call Architect Services

City of Tucson, AZ

Contract Number: 222865-03

Initial Term: February 28, 2023 through February 27, 2025
Renewal Options: Option to renew one (1) two-year period followed by one option to renew one (1) one-year period through February 27, 2028
RENEWED THROUGH February 27, 2027

Executive Summary

Master Agreement Documents

Response Evaluation

Solicitation Process