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HES FacilitiesFacilities, Janitorial, Groundskeeping & Related Products & Services

The core goal of HES is to help students, teachers, and administrators thrive in a clean, sanitized, and well-maintained educational environment. We offer turnkey custodial services, facility maintenance, and groundskeeping services for both K-12 school districts and higher learning institutions, and we have developed a reputation as delivering some of the best results in the industry.

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    K-12 Education
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    Higher Education
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    State & Local Government

SMS joined with HES facilities to further enhance its primary position in the market and to continue delivering best-in-class services across the country to OMNIA Partners participants.

About HES Facilities

HES was formed through the acquisition of the privately held LLC, SMS, which was originally established in 2007. SMS was later acquired in 2016 by industry leaders who wanted to revolutionize the company with their knowledge and background in facilities services for educational partners.

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