Grapic Swoosh

HonkIntegrated Parking Management System

Honk is North America’s leading provider of safe, contactless payments for parking. Since 2013, Honk has been creating touchless solutions that simplify revenue collection for parking operators and make paying for parking easier, faster, and safer for drivers. Motorists can download the HonkAPP to search, find, pay for, and extend parking right from their phone, or they can use HonkTAP contactless smart stations to safely pay for parking with a simple tap or scan of a mobile phone — no app download or expensive pay station required.

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Contactless Payments for Parking

Whether you operate a gated garage or surface lot, sell daily parking, monthly parking, prepaid parking passes, long-term permits, event parking, promo codes or merchant validations, Honk has the solution for you available through OMNIA Partners.

Contact Information

Patrick Szwec

Supplier Website