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Iron MountainA global business dedicated to storing, protecting and managing information and assets

From the everyday to the extraordinary, you can rely on Iron Mountain to store and secure what matters most. Our skilled Records and Information Management (RIM) experts can help your organization keep up to date with fast paced regulatory changes and transform to a more digital way of working. Our responsibility begins when you entrust your information to us, and doesn’t end until we either return the assets or securely destroy them. As the global leader in storage and information management, we have earned the trust of more than 95% of Fortune 1000 organizations and have maintained our leadership in the industry for 70 years.

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    State & Local Government

Available through the cooperative contract with OMNIA Partners, Iron Mountain offers solutions for storing, protecting, and managing information and assets to public sector agencies.

Iron Mountain & OMNIA Partners

About Iron Mountain

Iron Mountain has a global network with local service. Promoting consistency across media and geographies, we service: 

  • 50 countries on 6 continents
  • More than 1,450 facilities comprising 85 million square feet worldwide
  • More than 530 million cubic feet of hardcopy records stored
  • Over 10 million linear feet of medical records under management
  • More than 89 million pieces of media stored in highly secure data protection vaults
  • Over 225,000 customer accounts and growing daily

Our full suite of records and information management solutions improve asset management, reduce physical footprints, decrease costs, and streamline operations, while greatly enhancing citizen and student services, and mitigating security and privacy risks.


Information Management

From the creation of a record – to its destruction – you need a partner to properly manage the full information lifecycle. Iron Mountain Government Solutions’ Records and Information Management (RIM) capabilities allows your organization to free up time, resources, and valuable physical office storage space while retaining control and access of your information.

Digital Transformation

As you look to improve citizen and student services through secure, modern, and digital capabilities, Iron Mountain Government Solutions can help you navigate your transformation journey. Our solutions enable you to migrate to digital platforms while delivering greater insights through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Secure Storage

No matter your organization’s mission, you need to trust that your records and information are stored safely and securely. Iron Mountain Government Solutions’ offsite storage facilities meet and/or exceed compliance standards for security.

Secure Destruction

It is essential to destroy unnecessary paper and IT assets safely and cost-effectively. Iron Mountain Government Solutions ensures that your student and citizen-centric information is securely destroyed when it reaches time for disposition.

Iron Mountain Government Solutions Portfolio

We offer a portfolio of services to protect customer information across every phase of the information lifecycle:

The Iron Mountain and OMNIA Partners partnership provides your organization the ability to procure services at discounted prices. This streamlined acquisition process helps organizations save a significant amount of time and money typically allocated to contract production and negotiations. To learn more about all of our solutions for government and educational institutions, visit, or to start saving your organization time and money today, see the contact bar below.

Secure ITAD Program

Iron Mountain’s Secure ITAD Program provides IT departments with a reliable and efficient way to manage IT asset disposition, regardless of the size of the project. With decades of experience ensuring data security, we serve 95% of Fortune 500 companies. Our IT asset tracking capabilities are unparalleled, thanks to our secure chain of custody. Your IT assets are tagged and tracked at the time of pickup, and our worldclass logistics are made possible by our experienced team and 3,600 purpose-built Iron Mountain trucks. We can support large projects or smaller ongoing ad-hoc ITAD needs for one office, multiple offices, or many offices globally.

Iron Mountain provides a dedicated account manager who will service your account and ensure prompt responsiveness to your needs and requests. An online portal allows for online ordering, asset tracking, and reporting, providing you with what you need when you need it.


  • Consistency across all sites and a dedicated program manager
  • Pre-approved and preferred rates
  • Real-time tracking
  • Certificate of destruction
  • World-class logistics and processing

Contact Information

Gary Mitchell

Supplier Website