Grapic Swoosh

KnightscopeAutonomous Security Robots (ASRs)

Reimagine Public Safety with Knightscope. Knightscope designs and builds revolutionary, Autonomous Security Robots (ASRs) that provide 24/7/365 protection at the places we work, study and visit every day... and they are Made in the USA. Knightscope’s robots are already deployed across the country in five time zones making hospitals, logistics facilities, manufacturing plants, schools, and corporations safer.

Our all-inclusive subscription service (branded robot, charge station, cellular data, service/maintenance, browser-based user interface and regular software/firmware upgrades) offers flexible and affordable options for use in most commercial applications. Our experts will work directly with you to develop the best program to solve your specific security problems that will allow you to protect your property and monitor the status remotely.

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Available through the cooperative contract with OMNIA Partners, Knightscope offers Autonomous Security Robots (ASRs) to participating public sector agencies.

Knightscope Products & Services


The Knightscope K1 Hemisphere is a perfect entry point for commercial property owners, multi-family residential properties, ATM vestibules, truck stops, lobbies, loading docks, ports, rail, schools, and pretty much everywhere we can help improve the security and safety profile of the places you work, live, study and visit.  The Hemisphere has 3 cameras that provide 180-degree, eye-level, high-definition video, a strobe light, automatic license plate recognition, facial recognition, automated broadcast announcements, and intercom capability running on a 4G or 5G cellular network.


The Knightscope K1 is a stationary machine optimized for use at ingress and egress points, lobbies and areas with a small geographic footprint. The K1 is suitable for outdoor or indoor environments with remote monitoring from anywhere utilizing our state-of-the-art KSOC user interface. It is a simple installation by Knightscope and can be branded with custom graphics. It utilizes a standard 110v power outlet and transfers data through 4G LTE, WiFi, or Ethernet.

Speed: Stationary
Terrain: Indoors / Outdoors
Height: 69”
Width: 28.8”
Length: 11.2”
Weight: 150 lbs


The Knightscope K3 is an indoor machine that actually patrols 24/7 on its own including autonomously recharging itself without any human intervention. Suitable for indoor environments and, as with all our machines, the K3 ASR is fully integrated with the Knightscope Security Operations Center, providing your security team “smart eyes and ears” to cover a lot more ground efficiently and consistently.

Speed: Up to 3 mph
Terrain: Indoors
Height: 51”
Width: 24”
Length: 33”
Weight: 340 lbs


The Knightscope K5 is our flagship robot primarily utilized as an outdoor machine (but has also been used indoors where appropriate) that runs 24/7 on its own including autonomously recharging itself without any human intervention. It is best suited for securing large outdoor spaces. We have operated over 1 million hours in the field and have made it through our 3rd winter with clients in the frigid Northeast. Working together with human eyes utilizing our fully integrated Knightscope Security Operations Center browser-based user interface, you now have an actual force multiplier, physical deterrence and a tremendous amount of real-time data feeds to enhance any security program.

Speed: Up to 3 mph
Terrain: Outdoors (or Indoors)
Height: 62.5”
Width: 33.5”
Length: 36”
Weight: 398 lbs

KSOC (Knightscope Security Operations Center)

Stay connected to your Autonomous Security Robot (ASR) fleet via the Knightscope Security Operations Center (KSOC). Access real-time data around the clock ensuring you’ll always have the power of our technology at your fingertips. Knightscope has you covered 24/7/365.

Available Features

  • 360-degree HD Video Streaming
  • People Detection
  • Facial Recognition
  • Automatic License Plate Recognition
  • Thermal Anomaly Detection
  • Automatic Signal Detection
  • Intercom
  • Live Audio Broadcast
  • Pre-recorded Broadcast Messages


  • Force Multiplying Physical Deterrence
  • Patrol Scheduler
  • Autonomous Charging
  • Analytics
  • Investigations/Forensics


The K1 Blue Light Tower emergency phone delivers completely wireless emergency phone operation, 24/7/365, even in harsh weather conditions with voice connectivity, broadcast warning capability, a flashing strobe, and night area illumination to assist responders in locating callers.

Speed: Stationary
Terrain: Indoors / Outdoors
Height: 11.8”
Width: 10.5”
Length: 8”
Weight: 208 lbs


The K1 Blue Light E-Phone is a compact emergency calling solution. Ideal for areas with limited space, this full-featured emergency phone offers one-touch connectivity and a high-visibility blue strobe in places tower designs may not fit. The E-Phone enhances public safety by providing robust, reliable and clear voice-to-voice communication over a cellular network.

Speed: Stationary Maximum
Terrain: Indoors / Outdoors
Height: 31.5”
Width: 10.5”
Length: 8”
Weight: 52 lbs


The K1 Call Box Tower is the essential public safety phone. Our smallest emergency call box system delivers one-touch connection with a simple housing and interface.  Like all Knightscope emergency communication products, it can provide a completely wireless solution for emergency phone calls, or it can be adapted to work with existing wiring nearby.  Designed to work with hands-free ease, a handset and TTY pad are additional options available on this device.

Speed: Stationary Maximum
Weight: 47.4 lbs.
Width: 15.3"
Terrain: Indoor & Outdoor
Height: 19.6"
Length: 11.3"


The K1 Retrofit Kit provides the ability to convert your emergency call system. Whether your existing emergency calling equipment has been discontinued or you’re looking for a smart way to enhance your public safety program or security technology – the K1 Retrofit Kit allows you to upgrade other blue-light-style phones and call boxes to function like Knightscope’s Emergency Phone Products with features like wireless solar power, wireless phone connectivity, and self-monitoring software all built in.

Speed: Stationary Maximum
Terrain: Indoors / Outdoors
Voltage: 12V
Antenna: 3db
Capacity: 17 Ah
Weight: 14 lbs


Knightscope+ provides an alternative for client sites that do not have the resources to receive and respond to alerts generated by Knightscope’s ASRs. Sites such as these typically do not have anyone monitoring a video management or alarm system, not because of a lack of need, but commonly because of a lack of available budget.

• Real Time Interaction and Physical Deterrence
• Audio Incident Intervention and De-escalation
• Emergency Services Communications
• Virtual Camera Tours
• Post-Incident Investigations
• Strategic Recommendations
• Reporting

Robot Roadshows


The Robot Roadshow is a hybrid physical and virtual event where Knightscope technologies are made available for people to experience in a fun, interactive and in-person format.

Upcoming Roadshow Landings

Contact Information

Jason Gonzalez

Supplier Website