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LAZ ParkingParking Management, Transportation & Mobility Services

LAZ Parking is the largest, fastest-growing privately owned parking operator in the United States and a pioneer in digital parking technology. Founded in Hartford, CT, LAZ has been providing best-in-class parking management and transportation services since 1981 and operates over 1.6 million parking spaces in over 3,700 locations in 42 states and 482 cities in the U.S.  LAZ is an industry leader in business intelligence, remote monitoring, eCommerce solutions, and Proximity On-Demand Services or “LAZ PODS”. We leverage our national network of parking facilities to offer cutting edge, tech-enabled solutions, that include  EV charging, micro warehousing, last-mile logistics, and ghost kitchens, working across the hospitality, commercial, healthcare, airports, transportation, universities, government, retail, events, residential, and shuttle service industries. LAZ is a people first, conscious capitalist company, committed to elevating humanity through business.

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Available through the cooperative contract with OMNIA Partners, LAZ Parking provides parking management, transportation and mobility services to participating public sector agencies.

LAZ Parking Contract Documentation

U.S. Communities, National IPA, & NCPA are wholly-owned subsidiaries of OMNIA Partners, dba OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. All public sector participants already registered with National IPA, U.S. Communities, or NCPA continue to have access to all contracts, with certain exceptions, in the portfolio and do not need to re-register to use a legacy National IPA, legacy U.S. Communities, legacy NCPA, or new OMNIA Partners contract. U.S. Communities, National IPA, and NCPA remain separate legal entities and lead agency contracts completed under each brand are effective and available for use through the contract’s approved term. In the event we believe re-registration is necessary for any reason, OMNIA Partners will let you know.

Parking, Transportation, and Mobility Services

Region 14 ESC - TX

Contract Number: 05-61

Initial Term: August 16, 2021 through July 31, 2024
Renewal Options: Option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods through July 31, 2026


Master Agreement Documents

Response Evaluation

Solicitation Process