Lemons Auctioneers & OnlinePros is licensed and regulated, specializing in selling heavy equipment, tractor trucks, industrial equipment, farm equipment, machine shops, auto shops and specialty items. Our clients range from oil companies and school districts to banks and machine shops. We conduct live and online auctions all around Texas, from Brownsville to Nacogdoches, Houston to El Paso. We have the capabilities to sell your auction Nationally! We bring everything you need to your auctions.
This vendor has identified themselves as being MWBE and/or HUB certified. If utilizing this vendor is contingent upon meeting a specific goal or utilizing designated funds then it is recommended that you confirm with the actual vendor that they have the certification required to meet your specific need.

Diversity Initiative
This vendor has identified themselves as being MWBE and/or HUB certified. If utilizing this vendor is contingent upon meeting a specific goal or utilizing designated funds then it is recommended that you confirm with the actual vendor that they have the certification required to meet your specific need.
Contact Information
Jackie Lemons-Schillingburg
Lori Lemons-Campbell