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MooreCoFurniture Products & Solutions

For over 50 years, MooreCo Inc has been a leader in providing innovative and flexible furniture solutions for the educational and workspace markets. MooreCo shares a passion for providing furnishings that result in comfortable and stimulating environments where children and adults alike can feel inspired. 

  • Icon for K-12 Eductaion
    K-12 Education
  • Higher Education Icon
    Higher Education
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    State & Local Government

MooreCo has designed its products with human development and happiness in mind, ensuring users feel engaged, inspired, confident and at their best. We are competitively priced and welcome your questions about MooreCo furniture products.


MooreCo’s product offering includes collaborative tables, classroom desks and chairs, modular soft seating for the modern classroom or office, visual communication products like mounted whiteboards, tack boards, directory boards, accessories, as well as computer and audiovisual furniture, offering multimedia collaborative stations, training tables, TV carts, flat-panel carts, projector carts, and lecterns.

 Guided by its THRIVE philosophy, MooreCo has designed its products with human development and happiness in mind, ensuring users feel engaged, inspired, confident and at their best.


MooreCo is a leader in Furnishing and Space Planning Solutions for all types of Educational and Office spaces. Our product categories include:

  • Visual Communication (Whiteboards, Glass boards, Cork, etc.)
  • Desks (Classroom, Office, etc.)
  • Tables (Makerspace, Collaborative)
  • Chairs & Stools
  • Soft Seating & Lounge
  • Storage & Organization (Bookshelves & STEM Cabinets)
  • Technology & AV (Flat Panel Carts & Device Charging Stations)
  • Carrels & Pods (Privacy and Study Nooks & Stations)

Contact Information

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