Grapic Swoosh

PassportOne Powerful Platform for All Your Parking and Mobility Needs

Passport is the leader in unified parking and curb management.

By integrating parking, enforcement and payments into one software solution, Passport is the only platform that brings together the complexities of mobility operations into one view to help cities improve decision-making and efficiencies.

From mobile payments to citation issuance, permitting technology and more, Passport is empowering cities of all sizes with better insights to improve parking turnover, expand revenue opportunities and create more livable communities.

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    State & Local Government

Passport is trusted by more than 800 municipalities, universities and private operators across North America. As the leader in curb management software, Passport provides its clients with the technology needed to improve parking turnover, expand revenue opportunities and create more livable communities. OMNIA’s cooperative purchasing strategy with Passport will help you lower costs while saving you time and resources, bringing you one step closer to enhancing decision-making and the parking experience– all through one integrated system.

About Passport

Passport supports hundreds of clients within the public sector, including:

  • Cities & Municipalities
  • Universities & Colleges
  • Parking Garages
  • Parking Lots
  • Airports
  • Parking Authorities
  • Police Departments
  • Hospitals

Passport’s powerful curb management platform makes it simple to manage mobile pay parking, parking enforcement, digital permitting, payments and more, in one place. Plus, easily access insights for smarter decision making and effective policy management.

Parking Enforcement Software

A cloud-based enforcement system giving you real-time access to insights and data so you can:

  • Use robust reports to make strategic decisions
  • Monitor your environment and issue citations more efficiently
  • Provide real-time and secure citation payments
  • Recover revenue by automating your unpaid citation process
Parking Enforcement Software

Parking Management Software

Simplify your parking payment management with mobile and digital payment options that scale. You will experience:

  • The industry’s most sophisticated rate engine and restriction management
  • Access to customer parking information that enables you to provide best-in-class customer support
  • Multiple payment options through Passport’s integrations
Parking Management Software

Digital Parking Permits

A digital permitting solution that enables you to manage your operations and eliminate manual processes. You can:

  • Equip your team with powerful tools and data
  • Provide your customers with a secure online portal to apply and pay for permits
Digital Parking Permits


A cost-saving and unified payments solution designed for parking and mobility. You will be able to:

  • Avoid paying high fees on small transactions
  • Manage all your vendors in one system
  • Experience flexible settlement periods and multiple pricing structures that fit your needs
Meter & Pay Station Payments

Curb Management

Define, understand and optimize your curb so you can make data-driven decisions. Access powerful tools such as:

  • Performance Benchmarking: Compare your operation to peer cities to help set goals and drive better outcomes 
  • City Profiles: View key data from other cities to identify who your peers are and gather insights from their operation
  • Parking Occupancy
  • ADA Parking Feedback 
Curb Management

Leading Solutions & Unparalleled Services

Contact Information

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