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PeoplesBroadband Internet Service Provider

Peoples Telephone Cooperative exists to connect rural east Texas to the world. Throughout the years and the vast changes in technology, we remain committed to the original vision of Peoples to provide quality communications and technology services to enhance the lives of our members. We provide broadband through the TEA Texas Connect Program available through OMNIA Partners.

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Peoples Telephone Cooperative focuses on member needs while working for the economic development of communities through new services. We work hand in hand with local, regional and national structures to accomplish our mission of providing quality communications and technology services to enhance your life.

About TEA Connect Texas

TEA Connect Texas Logo

TEA Connect TX Program

OMNIA Partners and Region 4 ESC partner with TEA Connect Texas to provide home-based broadband internet to TX students

Operation Connectivity was formed in May of 2020 as a joint effort between Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Legislature, the Texas Education Agency (TEA), DISD and ESC Region 4 to connect Texas's 5.5 million public school students with an e-learning device and reliable internet connection sufficient for learning.

What is TEA Connect Texas?

TEACT is a statewide, TEA-led initiative to support LEAs that seek to provide home-based broadband internet access to their students. 

  • TEACT facilitates the acquisition of fixed lines through bulk purchase at the State level, taking advantage of discounted rates which Region 4 is negotiating on behalf of Texas school systems

  • TEACT facilitates the fixed line installation process for LEAs by working as a liaison between the LEAs, the ISPs and eligible families to ensure successful and expedited access to service

  • TEACT provides a robust implementation and customer support team for LEAs who want to participate in a home-based broadband roll-out program in their district but who may not have the available personnel or resources to administer such a program themselves

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