Grapic Swoosh

SiteScapesFurniture Products & Solutions

SiteScapes is a leading designer and manufacturer of steel furniture for urban landscaping and provides site furnishings, outdoor furniture and commercial grade site amenities including park benches, trash receptacles, bicycle parking racks, ash urns, patio umbrellas, and tables and chairs sets. SiteScapes has been offering high-quality site furnishings at affordable prices for over 20 years with a focus on reliable customer service. Dedicated to remaining current in the marketplace, SiteScapes works had to produce innovative, durable, functional, and attractive site furniture. All of SiteScapes furniture collections are rugged and designed to weather the rigors of any urban environment.

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SiteScapes, in partnership with OMNIA Partners, offers public agencies exclusive access to steel furniture and outdoor site amenities. Participants can leverage a cooperative contract to streamline their procurement process and save valuable resources, time and money. 

Products & Services

SiteScapes’ product catalog includes many styles and aesthetics. Furniture designs span modern and contemporary pieces to historic and heritage products. Products include park benches, trash receptacles, recycling bins, planters, bike racks, tables and chair sets, tree grates and guards, and more. SiteScapes can also design and produce custom products.

SiteScapes is dedicated to providing a comprehensive line of durable, steel site furnishings and offers a 20-year structural warranty on all products. SiteScapes products offer unlimited flexibility for design and landscape professionals while providing quick and easy installation for contractors, maintenance crews, or municipal personnel. Headquartered in the Midwest, we are able to save our customers money in shipping costs and labor as most of our product lines ship fully assembled.

We strive to make SiteScapes offerings as sustainable as possible, by using environmentally friendly production methods, and designing durable, low maintenance site furnishings. Goods that need replacing every few years, result in products ending up in the waste stream, and leads a consumer to purchase again. Durable products can lead to fewer items sold, less manufacturing and raw materials costs, and a lower environmental impact.

Contact Information

Hannah Jacobs

Supplier Website