Grapic Swoosh

TEALCentral Plant as-a-Service Program

TEAL’s unique concept of “central plants as-a-service” has led to the development of innovative, sustainable, vertically-integrated managed central plant solutions that clients never need to own, maintain, or operate themselves. Combining cloud computing and 24/7 remote monitoring technology, TEAL delivers three solutions -- the TEAL System, TEAL Aquatherm, and TEAL iPlant -- to provide hot water, hydronic heat, chilled water, or any combination of the three. TEAL’s environmentally friendly systems elevate the quality and value of a property while simultaneously delivering dramatic energy savings, lower life cycle costs and unique financial results when compared to traditional HVAC and domestic hot water systems. Additionally, our state-of-the-art technology uses data-driven machine learning algorithms for virtual supervision to ensure ZERO downtime 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.