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TruePoint SolutionsSoftware, Services and Solutions for Local Government

TruePoint Solutions provides government-focused professional services and CIS/utility billing and irrigation billing and management software solutions for water agencies, special districts, and local governments. The TruePoint Solutions team holds decades of experience with public agencies, designing, building, implementing, and supporting complex government applications to help agencies operate at maximum efficiency. This depth of experience has given the TruePoint team keen insight into the needs of the industry.

Our commitment to help agencies serve their communities at their best level drives us to deliver the solutions you need. Our depth of experience equips us to identify, craft, and implement the solution to meet your needs and help you achieve your objectives. We understand that providing superior customer support is key component to our success. By building strong, dedicated partnerships with our customers, TruePoint can not only meet your agency’s business requirements, but we will strive to exceed your expectations.

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TruePoint Solutions and OMNIA Partners work together to provide easy access to software and information technology services for local government agencies, water companies and special districts.

Professional Services

TruePoint Solutions is the leading provider of government-focused services to help agencies achieve optimum efficiency and effectiveness. TruePoint offers comprehensive services to ensure success for your agency, including:

  • Implementations
  • Integrations
  • Business analysis
  • Strategic and targeted recommendations
  • Ongoing support
  • Training, and
  • More!

We’re unrivaled in experience and customer satisfaction - the TruePoint Solutions team of experts holds decades of experience and an exemplary track record of success with public agencies of all sizes. We leverage that experience to help agencies achieve their operational objectives and perform at their best level. We’ve helped public agencies across the country with a variety of needs to achieve goals, operate more effectively and efficiently, improve productivity, automate processes, streamline workflows, and improve citizen satisfaction.

TrueBill - Utility Billing Solution

TrueBill accommodates all of your CIS/utility billing processes in a configurable, browser-based solution to simplify work, streamline workflows, improve productivity, and boost citizen satisfaction.  TrueBill’s flexibility allows you to work within your agency’s parameters and can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Your staff’s productivity is improved by automating processes, as well as with TrueBill’s configurable workspaces, so you can access all information from a single screen. Leverage one, some, or all of TrueBill’s components to expertly manage all of your utility billing functions optimally, including:

  • Customer billing
  • Accounts receivable
  • Debt management
  • Service orders
  • Central cash management
  • Meter management
  • Backflow prevention and compliance
  • Water allocations and use tiers
  • Customer information portal.  

TruePoint BPM - Backflow Program Management

TruePoint Backflow Program Management is a comprehensive solution that provides staff with all the necessary tools to manage your backflow compliance program. Its built-in automation and validation features eliminate the tedious, manual, and convoluted work so staff can focus on critical tasks. The top-rated solution gives your agency state-of-the-art management of and full visibility into all devices, contractors, test kits, testing status, and compliance. It automates, streamlines, and simplifies existing processes to be significantly more accurate, effective, and efficient. TrueVCP, TruePoint’s Vendor Contractor Portal, provides backflow tesers with a web-based portal to submit backflow test results an other testing-related documentation, tester certification, and test kit information. With TrueVCP, test results are validated and entered directly into the portal by the testers, removing the burden of manual entry by your staff. Information is immediately available for review by backflow program staff and takes the guesswork out of device and test status for any property.

TrueBill – Agriculture Irrigation Billing and Management

TrueBill provides a comprehensive approach to all of the tasks associated with your agricultural irrigation billing and management. With its built-in, advanced functionality and automation, it optimizes your processes to ramp up your efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. TrueBill equips you to accomplish more in less time and more effectively than ever before by replacing tedious, convoluted, and redundant tasks with streamlined, automated workflows. And with convenient configurable workspaces, TrueBill gives your staff an easy and accessible view of menu items for the screens and reports they access the most. TrueBill seamlessly integrates with TrueAIM, allowing you to manage all of your agriculture irrigation billing and management from one application. TrueBill with TrueAIM allows you to automate, streamline, and improve all of your agriculture irrigation billing-related processes, while tracking and managing water deliveries and requests, at the same time.

TrueCIP – Customer Information Portal

Empower your customers with 24/7 self-service from anywhere and any device with a secure internet connection. TrueCIP Customer Information Portal allows your customers to access all of their own account information, place orders, and make payments, freeing up significant time for your staff to perform the other duties of their job. As your productivity improves, so does your response time, on-time payments, and customer satisfaction. immediate access to account and billing history.

Contact Information

Matt Cohagan

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