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Virta HealthDigital Healthcare Guidance – Diabetes

Virta Health offers the first clinically-proven solution to reverse type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and obesity in a safe and sustainable way, without medication or surgery. Our Virtual Clinic provides a radically different and more successful treatment approach for the 60% of adults who are living with diabetes, prediabetes or obesity.

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Combining unique technology, nutrition sciences and continuous remote care from physicians and behavioral experts, Virta has helped thousands of patients from all ages, races, ethnicities and walks of life to reverse their type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and obesity conditions and eliminate the need for costly medications.

About Virta Health

In both commercial and peer-reviewed clinical settings, patients quickly improve health and make it last. The results? Reduced medical costs, less dependence on prescription medications, and drastic improvements in other areas of cardiometabolic health. 

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