With a wide variety of products for both daily cleaning and project work, you can keep your facilities safe and looking great with 3M Solutions. 3M's innovative cleaning solutions can help you reduce cleaning time and help maximize your budget.
Janitorial & sanitation solutions are available to all public agencies through your favorite distributor's competitively solicited and publicly awarded cooperative contract. To view contract documentation, click your preferred distributor:
HD Supply Formerly Home Depot Pro Institutional
Network Distribution
Welcome to the 3M Commercial Solutions Division
Dusting & Tools
Getting rid of dust is a must to maintain a healthy school environment – especially for students with allergies and sensitivities. 3M™ Easy Trap™ Sweep & Dust Sheets trap up to 800% more dirt, dust and sand than flat fringed cotton dust mops and the professional version of a common household sweeping dust cloth brand.
Clean the unseen to help prevent the spread of illness among students and staff. 3M chemical management systems guarantee a more effective and efficient way to disinfect high touch surfaces and objects
Resilient Floor Care Solutions
Get a first class shine every time with the 3M™ Advanced Floor Care System. This Green Seal certified system can help achieve your sustainability goals and create a more welcoming learning environment for students.
3M™ Flow Control System
Managing costs associated with increased disinfecting and cleaning frequencies is critical for your operations. 3M is here to help with the 3M™ Flow Control Chemical Management System. The 3M™ Flow Control System can potentially help reduce your chemical spend by 40-60%! Learn more about chemical management solutions from 3M here.

Floor Care Solutions For Your Facility
3M™ Advanced Floor Care System
Reduce labor and product cost associated with routine maintenance of your resilient floors. Watch the video to discover how the new 3M™ Advanced Floor Care System maintains the shine of your floors and reduces the need for labor intensive maintenance projects.
Contact Information
Monica Jordan
US & Canada Segment Marketer – Facilities Management
(519) 200-1338