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HKA TechSoftware as a Solution for Infrastructure Projects

HKA Tech is our technology group that focuses on delivery of the PMWeb software solution for management of capital works projects throughout their lifecycle – from concept, through planning, construction, to long-term asset management. HKA Tech is the largest authorized and implementing reseller of PMWeb globally and has implemented over 200 organizations. Clients in the USA include City of San Diego, Placer County (CA), Los Angeles County Development Authority, Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY), City of Bend, State of Connecticut, Colorado Department of Transportation, Ramsey County, San Diego Airport, Tucson Airport, Omaha Airport, Port of Los Angeles, Brightline (Florida), Orange County Sanitation District, Sacramento County Wastewater, UC Santa Barbara, Washington University of St. Louis, Arizona State University, University of Washington, and many others.

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    K-12 Education
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    Higher Education
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    State & Local Government

HKA Tech is also an authorized implementing partner and reseller for WalkMe. WalkMe pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform and HKA Tech has been configuring WalkMe solutions for PMWeb clients for over three years - developing efficient and effective interactive step by step online guides (aka “walkthrus”) for PMWeb users. Clients for which HKA has implemented WalkMe on PMWeb include the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), City of Spokane, City of Tempe, Ramsey County, JP Morgan Chase, Blattner Energy, the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY), and others and is available through OMNIA Partners.

Products & Services


  • PMWeb is a comprehensive web-based PORTFOLIO, PROGRAM and PROJECT MANAGEMENT solution that provides a thorough set of management functions in a single configurable package
  • Designed to support public and private organizations, construction managers and contractors, PMWeb has multiple modules that combine planning, estimating, cost controls, document controls, scheduling, asset management, and workflow approvals into an easy-to-use application
  • Users have the option to choose one or more of these modules to customize and address any stage of the Plan-Build-Operate lifecycle
  • Additional features include: resource planning, Kanban boards, DocuSign integration, P6/MS Project integration, Bluebeam integration, stage gates, BIM integration, and more.
  • Supporting projects through the entire process, PMWeb provides real-time interactive business intelligence dashboards and reports that are graphic-rich and actionable, comprising all aspects for tracking and managing capital programs, projects and assets.
  • 100% Web-based, zero footprint, zero downloads
  • All In One
  • Business Intelligence Dashboards and Reports
  • SaaS, Managed-Host or Self-Host
  • Multiple Platforms (IE, Safari, Google, Apple iOS, Android, Windows, Linux)
  • Out of the Box (easy to configure)
  • International (Multi Language, Currency)

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