Grapic Swoosh

SiteScapesFurniture Products & Solutions

SiteScapes is a leading designer and manufacturer of steel furniture for urban landscaping and provides site furnishings, outdoor furniture and commercial grade site amenities including park benches, trash receptacles, bicycle parking racks, ash urns, patio umbrellas, and tables and chairs sets. SiteScapes has been offering high-quality site furnishings at affordable prices for over 20 years with a focus on reliable customer service. Dedicated to remaining current in the marketplace, SiteScapes works had to produce innovative, durable, functional, and attractive site furniture. All of SiteScapes furniture collections are rugged and designed to weather the rigors of any urban environment.

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SiteScapes, in partnership with OMNIA Partners, offers public agencies exclusive access to steel furniture and outdoor site amenities. Participants can leverage a cooperative contract to streamline their procurement process and save valuable resources, time and money. 

SiteScapes Contract Documentation

U.S. Communities, National IPA, & NCPA are wholly-owned subsidiaries of OMNIA Partners, dba OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. All public sector participants already registered with National IPA, U.S. Communities, or NCPA continue to have access to all contracts, with certain exceptions, in the portfolio and do not need to re-register to use a legacy National IPA, legacy U.S. Communities, legacy NCPA, or new OMNIA Partners contract. U.S. Communities, National IPA, and NCPA remain separate legal entities and lead agency contracts completed under each brand are effective and available for use through the contract’s approved term. In the event we believe re-registration is necessary for any reason, OMNIA Partners will let you know.


Region 14 ESC - TX

Contract Number: 07-118

September 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025
Option to renew for five (5) additional one (1) year periods through September 30, 2030

Master Agreement Documents

Response Evaluation

Solicitation Process